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کتاب 504 واژه – درس 19 - سامانه آموزش زبان انگلیسی Hi English

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 19

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 19

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 19 : در این درس، با 12 واژه پرکاربرد که در آموزش زبان انگلیسی رایج هستند، آشنا خواهید شد.

harvest gathering in of grain or other food cropsمحصول
abundant more than enough; very plentifulفراوان
uneasy restless; disturbed: anxiousناآرام
calculate find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividig; figureمحاسبه کردن
absorb take in or suck up (liquids); interest greatly.جذب کردن
estimate form a judgment or opinion about; guessتخمین زدن
morsel a small bite; mouthful; tiny amountلقمه
quota share of a total due from or to a particular state, district, person, etc.سهمیه، سهم
threat sign or cause of possible evil or harmتهدید
ban prohibit; forbidممنوع کردن
panicunreasoning fear; fear spreading through a group of people so that they lose control of themselvesوحشت
appropriateset apart for some special useمناسب

نمونه سوالات کتاب 504 واژه – درس 19

  1. harvest: What does the word “harvest” mean? a) To plant b) To water c) To reap or gather crops d) To cook

Answer: c) To reap or gather crops

  1. abundant: Which of the following is the closest synonym for “abundant”? a) Scarce b) Insufficient c) Plentiful d) Limited

Answer: c) Plentiful

  1. uneasy: What does the word “uneasy” mean? a) Relaxed b) Comfortable c) Anxious or uncomfortable d) Confident

Answer: c) Anxious or uncomfortable

  1. calculate: Which of the following best defines the word “calculate”? a) To estimate b) To forget c) To misunderstand d) To overthink

Answer: a) To estimate

  1. absorb: What does the word “absorb” mean? a) To repel b) To dissolve c) To accumulate d) To take in, soak up or assimilate

Answer: d) To take in, soak up, or assimilate

  1. estimate: Which of the following best describes the word “estimate”? a) A precise calculation b) A rough calculation or approximation c) A mistake d) A guess based on incomplete information

Answer: b) A rough calculation or approximation

  1. morsel: What does the word “morsel” mean? a) A large portion b) A small portion or piece of food c) A cooking utensil d) A type of animal

Answer: b) A small portion or piece of food

  1. quota: What does the word “quota” mean? a) A fixed share or amount of something that a person or group is entitled to b) A moving vehicle c) A measurement of distance d) A type of currency

Answer: a) A fixed share or amount of something that a person or group is entitled to

  1. threat: Which of the following best defines the word “threat”? a) A promise b) An opportunity c) A danger or possibility of harm d) A solution

Answer: c) A danger or possibility of harm

  1. ban: What does the word “ban” mean? a) To allow b) To encourage c) To prohibit or forbid d) To ignore

Answer: c) To prohibit or forbid

  1. panic: Which of the following best describes the word “panic”? a) Calmness b) Fear or anxiety that causes irrational behavior c) Excitement d) Joy

Answer: b) Fear or anxiety that causes irrational behavior

  1. appropriate: What does the word “appropriate” mean? a) Suitable or proper b) Unacceptable c) Harmful d) Irrelevant

Answer: a) Suitable or proper