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کتاب 504 واژه – درس 32 - سامانه آموزش زبان انگلیسی Hi English

آموزش رایگان زبان

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 32

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 32

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 32 : در این درس، با 12 واژه پرکاربرد که در آموزش زبان انگلیسی رایج هستند، آشنا خواهید شد.

refer hand over; send, direct, or turn for information, help, or action; (refer to) direct attention to or speak aboutارجاع دادن
distress great pain or sorrow; misfortune; dangerous or difficult situation; to cause pain or make unhappyرنج دادن
diminish make or become smaller in size, amount or importanceکاسته شدن
maximum greatest amount; greatest possibleحداکثر
flee run away; go quicklyفرار کردن
vulnerable capable of being injured; open to attack, sensitive to criticism, influences, etcآسیب پذیر
signify mean; be a sign of; make known by signs, words or actions; have importanceمعنی دادن
mythology legends or stories that usually attempt to explain something in natureاسطوره شناسی
colleague associate; fellow workerهمکار
torment cause very great pain to; worry or annoy very much; cause of very great pain; very great painشکنجه
provide to supply; to state as a condition; to prepare for or against some situationتامین کردن
loyaltyfaithfulness to a person, government, idea, custom, or the likeوفاداری