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کتاب 504 واژه – درس 37 - سامانه آموزش زبان انگلیسی Hi English

آموزش رایگان زبان

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 37

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 37

کتاب 504 واژه – درس 37 : در این درس، با 12 واژه پرکاربرد که در آموزش زبان انگلیسی رایج هستند، آشنا خواهید شد.

heir person who has a right to someone’s property after that one dies; person who inherits anythingوارث
majestic grand; noble; dignified; kinglyبا شکوه
dwindle become smaller and smaller; shrinkکم شدن
surplus amount over and above what is needed; excess, extraمازاد
traitor person who betrays his or her country, a friend, duty, etc.خائن
deliberate to consider carefully; intended; done on purpose; slow and careful, as though allowing time to decide what to doعمدی
vandal person who wilfully or ignorantly destroys or damages beautiful thingsخرابکار
drought long period of dry weather; lack of rain; lack of water; drynessخشکسالی
abide accept and follow out: remain faithful to; dwell; endureپایبند بودن
unify unite; make or form into oneمتحد کردن
summit highest point; topقله
heedgive careful attention to; take notice of; careful attentionتوجه کردن